Short Stories and More
Some of my short stories are silly, some are serious, and some make me wonder if I've been a social worker for too long. The Silly: Manic Pixie Demon Girl in the print anthology Hidden Villains: Betrayed. Can a straightlaced devil and a manic pixie demon girl be just fiends? Inside Job in the print anthology The Dragon's Hoard 2. How do dragons get all that gold? Would you believe...frivolous lawsuits? Revenge of the Mercy Date in Writing in a Woman's Voice With a title like that, do I even need to say what it's about? Margaret's Confession in Writing in a Woman's Voice A good Catholic girl is sure she's committed a terrible sin. Rule Number Three in On the Premises (pdf) A con man gets bored with playing motivational speaker, and decides to play cop. The Serious: In the Flesh in On the Premises What if you could hide behind your username and avatar, not just online, but all the time? Repentance in On the Premises (pdf) When an all-powerful state tells you what you're allowed to believe, how do you hold on to the truth? Cecelia in Margin: Exploring Magical Realism Her magic could heal others, but not her. Was that enough to live for? The Man Who Loved Dogs in the print anthology Dia de Los Muertos: a Day of the Dead Anthology If your preordained fate is to be murdered, how do you trust anyone at all? The Grim: Ghost House in Press 53 This one isn't fiction. It's about the decisions made by faraway corporations, and the devastating effect on a family in my neighborhood. (Trigger Warning, literally: this involves a murder-suicide.) Notes to Self: One Week Out in Women on Writing Her face is blurred out in all the news photos. But she still has to live inside this body. (TW: Sexual assault.) Shocked in Writer Advice (scroll down) With a cop's power comes great responsibility - especially when that power is several thousand volts. (TW: Police brutality.) Repetition Compulsion, in Women on Writing Sometimes it's the victim who has to return to the scene of the crime. (TW: Sexual assault.) A little poetry, in dead-tree editions: Hex on My Ex in Nasty Women Poets: An Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse Social Workaholic in Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workplace Second Mother and The Son in Family Matters: Poems of Our Families Mirror Poem and Moment in Queer Collection 2007 Personal Ad and A Word About Monogamy in What I Want From You |